January 12th 1884

Rested pretty well. Kept fire up all night. Up four times, and rose at seven. This is old New Year's day, and no one seems to remember it. Who would believe there would be such a change within so short a time? It looks, also, as if our Sabbaths will be forgotten soon, and holidays put in their place. Free ministers, or rather free-of-all-good ministers, are hastening this issue. Highland glens may escape longer than the towns, because they are not so much infested by college-made blind enemies to all righteousness, calling themselves by fine names to deceive the simple - Reverend, &c. Yet, alas! the people glory in their own deceivings, and love to follow their learned, foolish, carnal, light leaders, instead of fasting, prayer, and self-loathing. We have concerts, soirees, organs, money, and holidays, which ministers contend more for than for "the faith once delivered to the saints," even the faith that worketh by love and purifies the heart. Many of them are mere vain, silly lads wanting a fine position. Take away worldly honour and money from the pulpits, and they will soon empty. "The heads thereof judge for reward, the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money; yet will they lean upon the Lord, and say, Is not the Lord among us? none evil can come upon us." - (Micah iii. 11.)

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